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Year 6

Dear Parents,

This year, Year 6 will be taught by Mrs Asare-Archer and Mrs Opiola with the support of Mrs Dymott.  Mrs Opiola will be teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Mrs Asare-Archer will teach on a Thursday and Friday. Both teachers will plan closely together to ensure that there is a smooth transition throughout the week.

Year 6 is a busy, exciting and fun time as the children embark on their last year of Primary school and begin to look ahead. This page will outline the curriculum coverage for the year, spelling and reading resources and other useful information.


Religious Education

 In RE this term, we will be studying the following topics:

Autumn 1: Creation

  • Creation and Science: conflicting or complementary?
  • Make clear connections between Genesis 1 and the Christian belief of God as creator
  • What do people believe about life, the world and the good life?
  • How does what we believe influence the way we should treat the world?

Autumn 2: Is God made man a good way to understand the Christmas story? 

  • What is Incarnation?
  • Why is Christmas important to Christians in light of the Crucifixion and Resurrection?
  • How do Christian beliefs link to Bible texts?
  • What does Christmas symbolise?
  • What are the differences between Hindu and Christian incarnations


To link our writing with our new topic for this term, we will be studying the following books either as extracts or in their entirety ;


This term we will be developing our writing skills through focusing on sentence structure and vocabulary. When writing, the children will need to think about the audience and the purpose of the text, and choose sentence types and ambitious vocabulary for effect.

Our focus texts are :

Shark Caller by Zillah Bethell

Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carrol


Many of our reading skills work will be based on the Reading Rainbow, answering questions using specific lenses. We will be looking at how authors use language, layout and inference to involve the reader. We will use many of the above books as sources of inspiration.

We will have three Guided Reading sessions a week focusing on comprehension, inference, author choice and meaning of words.

It is crucial that your child reads everyday and that they are choosing books that not only challenge their understanding but their vocabulary. Please refer to the recommended reading list on the class page of the website.


This term we will be investigating spelling patterns and rules. Children will practise these in class as well as revising statutory spellings from Year 3/4/5

  • ance/ence
  • ibly/ably
  • cious/tious
  • que
  • cial/tial
  • unstressed vowels
  • sh/ch - makes 'k




  • Place Value Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000
  • Choosing Effective Mental Calculation Strategies
  • Problem Solving with Four Operations Application of Factors, Multiples and Primes
  • Equivalent Fractions Comparing and Ordering Fractions Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Fraction and Decimal Equivalents Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Calculating Percentages
  • Formal Written Method of Multiplication
  • Area of Parallelograms and Triangles
  • Formal Written Method of Short Division
  • Properties of Shape

Each lesson begins with a 10-minute fluency session where children will practise a range of calculations. It is important that they are confident with all multiplication facts (including division) up to 12 x12

Please log on to Times Tables Rock Stars weekly to help improve the speed and accuracy of recalling timetable facts.

Click the image below access the website:


Each week the class will be set relevant homework through ATOM learning. These tasks will be set on a Wednesday and must be completed by the following Monday.


Autumn Term News for Parents 2024


Year 6 Termly News for Parents Autumn 2024
Hazlemere Church of England Combined School
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