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At Hazlemere Church of England our vision is to create a primary school that encourages its children to flourish in all areas of the curriculum. We want to equip each child with the skills and knowledge to become a caring, confident and knowledgeable young person who has a passion for learning and achieving.

We will do this by supporting, guiding, encouraging and inspiring our children through excellent teaching practices. By working with our families, we will create an aspirational school community in which everyone is valued and successes are celebrated. Our book-based curriculum instils a love of reading and allows pupils to know more and remember more.


  • To provide a rich and varied curriculum which is rooted in our school's theologically-rooted Christian vision to "encourage one another and build one another up"
  • To deliver an ambitious, aspirational curriculum which is well planned and meets the needs of all pupils.
  • To provide an engaging curriculum which is planned sequentially, allowing children to build on previous learning and securing firm foundations for the future.
  • To promote a sense of community for children, parents and the wider community
  • To prepare pupils for life in British society by fostering in them attitudes and qualities which enable them to become confident, caring, responsible citizens


  • The curriculum is planned to ensure that teaching is sequential and knowledge and skills are taught in a logical and progressive order.
  • Lessons build on prior learning, incorporating retrieval practice; the teaching of specific vocabulary and real-life, worked examples. 
  • Learning is supported and scaffolded to enable all children to progress.
  • Children are encouraged to challenge themselves in every lesson so that they are ambitious learners.
  • Lessons develop children's cultural capital, they are regularly exposed to high quality texts and the best examples of work in each field. 
  • Children broaden their life experiences through meaningful curriculum enrichment such as trips, residentials, sports tournaments, school visitors and our weekly Enrichment programme.
  • Teachers have strong subject knowledge and are supported to maintain and improve this through training, sharing best practice and engaging with relevant research.
  • Subject leaders provide colleagues with support for planning, resourcing and teaching.


The impact of the curriculum is monitored through

  • On-going assessment processes
  • End of Key Stage outcomes
  • Attendance data
  • Behaviour Logs
  • Engagement levels
  • Stakeholder surveys
  • Pupil voice – questionnaires, pupil book reviews
  • Leadership Monitoring – Lesson visits, scrutiny of books, pupil outcomes, pupil interviews and questionnaires 
  • Governor monitoring