Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Welcome to our class page.
Year 5 is taught by Miss Tierney
I am delighted to be your child’s teacher this year and am really looking forward to the exciting year ahead.
Working alongside me this year, I have Mrs Kehoe who will be covering my PPA time on a Tuesday morning. We are also lucky to be supported by Mrs Farmer who will be supporting groups and individuals within the class.
If you have any concerns or questions, please arrange a meeting with me via the office, where I will give you a call or arrange a meeting with you. Additionally, I am available for a quick chat on the playground most days after school. Alternatively, you can write a message in your child’s reading diary and ask your child to show me.
I am greatly looking forward to working with you this year to make your child’s education enjoyable, exciting and rewarding.
Kind regards,
Miss Tierney.
Year 5 Class Teacher
Autumn Term
Religious Education
Autumn Term
This term in RE the children will be learning about Gospels and Incarnation:
In our Gospels topic the children will be learning:
- To identify features of Gospel texts
- To suggest meanings of Gospels, and compare their ideas with ways in which Christians interpret biblical texts
- To make connections between Gospel texts. Jesus’ Good News and how Christians live in the community.
- To relate biblical ideas, teachings or beliefs (peace, forgiveness, healing) to issues and opportunities of their own lives and the life of their community.
In our Incarnation topic the children will be learning:
- To understand that Jesus was Jewish
- To explain that Christians believe Jesus is God in the Flesh
- To explain that Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the expectations as a rescuer and that he is the Messiah.
- To understand that Christians see Jesus as their Saviour.
Autumn Term
This term we will to work on building up the children's vocabulary which can always be further extended by the children reading a wide range of texts. Specifically, we will we focusing on two texts this term: War Horse by Michael Morpurgo alongside War Game by Michael Foremann in Autumn 1 and How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell in Autumn 2, these texts provide a fabulous link between our topics in Science, Humanities and DT.
During our English lessons everyday we dedicate time to reinforce the children's SPAG, this term we will be teaching and reinforcing the following:
- Adverbial and prepositional phrases
- Relative pronouns
- Modal verbs and adverbs
- Determiners
- Relative clauses
- Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions
- Subordinate clauses
- Use of commas, hyphens, brackets and dashes for parenthesis.
This term we will be revising the year 3/4 list of spellings and introducing the children to the year 5/6 list. Each child has a copy of their spellings and these are also available on our class page incase the list is misplaced. I will also attach practice strategies to support the children in learning their spellings on our class page each week. If your child is struggling with their Spellings please do let me know.
Autumn Term
This term in Maths the children will be learning:
- To read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and determine the value of each digit.
- To interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards.
- To read, write, order and compare numbers with up to 3 decimal places.
- To multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.
- To identify multiples and factors, including finding all factor pairs of a number, and common factors of two numbers.
- To know and use the vocabulary of prime numbers, prime factors and composite (non-prime) numbers.
- To establish whether a number up to 100 is prime and recall prime numbers up to 19.
- To multiply and divide numbers mentally drawing upon known facts.
- To solve problems using knowledge of factors and multiples.
- To add and subtract numbers mentally with increasingly large numbers.
- To add and subtract whole numbers with more than 4 digits, including using formal written methods (columnar addition and subtraction)
- To add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and multiples of the same number.
Autumn Term
In Science this term the children will be learning about Materials and Changing materials:
Properties of materials
In our Materials topic the children will be learning:
- To understand the properties of a range of materials and explain their uses.
- To compare and group together everyday materials on the basis of their properties.
Changing materials
In our changing materials topic the children will be learning:
- To explore making and separating mixtures.
- To classify changes as a reversible or irreversible.
- To use relevant scientific language to explain ideas.
- To plan comparative or fair tests.
- To report and present findings from enquires.
Helpful websites